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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by Trollperle Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:29 pm

Today I got my first Catherine Michiels bracelets (Stardust Africa and Stardust Africa Limited) and a pendant for my silk (the Astral Sisters). I love how they work so well together and it gives me special joy on this bittersweet day as it is my birthday (normally a totally happy day for me) but this year our dearest 15 year old doggie Hexe is very sick and we are waiting for the vet to come. Since Hexe is one of my Astral Sisters, too, this will also be in her memory Love

Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Astral10

Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Astral11

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by retiredk9racer Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:01 pm

Beautiful bracelets! I am so sorry that your Hexe is not well ~ sometimes the most difficult thing we can ever do is the kindest thing for our beloved pets and soulmates! My thoughts and prayers are with you on this bittersweet day!!

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by Catsworld Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:04 pm

HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Trollperle! sunny Best wishes Hug Love flower cat

I really really love that C.M stuff so much and your bracelets and the silk and pendant simply look gorgeous! this is really summer!

still it makes me so sad to know that there is someone awaiting the vet, I wish your Hexe all the best in this world and I am crying with you, 15years is such a long time to have spent together. Hug Sad
can't express my thoughts that well in English and even in German it is difficult to give consolation.
Troll Guru

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by Tinka Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:33 pm

You and Hexe coloured each others life, I think the bracelets are a celebration of that. It's so hard to let go, I'm thinking of you and Hexe!

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by splinty Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:04 pm

Thinking of you Trollperle Hug hope your beautiful rainbow bracelets bring you comfort and a speck of sparkle on this bittersweet day ~ there's a lot of light coming your way from them!! sunny Bless dear Hexe, wishing her love and comfort too xx

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by Fuzzyfeet Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:13 pm

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by Jules Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:30 pm

Very, very beautiful...I'm so sorry to hear about your dog...((())))

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by kitsunegrl Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:55 pm

Hugs to you Trollperle! When our babies age, it becomes so worrisome.

When you can, we would love to see some pictures of Hexe.

Very pretty bracelets to bring some cheer on this day! Group hug
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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by Trollperle Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:39 pm

Thank you all so much!
Hexe went to sleep in my arms. It was the right thing to do even if so very difficult. She blessed our lifes and will always be a part of us!

This is a photo of Hexe on vacation in the Netherlands from a few years back - she loved the sand and shallow sea water Love

Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Hexe10

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by gabi Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:07 pm

All my best wishes to your birthday, but i can imagine how you feel today.....
so sorry! The colours of your beautiful bracelets will remember you every day on your little
dog, who has take his journey over the rainbowbridge.........fairwell
little Hexe!!

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by splinty Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:12 pm

She's a beautiful girl Trollperle, I'm so sorry, wishing you comfort in happy astral sister memories xx. Rest in Peace now the land of soft, warm sand with lapping shoreline to splash about in Hug

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by sparrow Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:03 pm

Such a sad post, so sorry for your loss of your dear friend Hexe Hug

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by Catsworld Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:19 pm

yes it is very sad, rest in peace Hexe, you had good caring people! Hug
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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by DblJJ Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:56 am

It is so very sad. The CM pendant is the perfect reminder of the love you and Hexe will always share. HUGS to you

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by LindaJo Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:47 am

Can only send you hugs, Trollperle.

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by ceruleanbluebird Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:17 pm

What a sweetie...I am so sorry. I love you
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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by trollbelle Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:36 pm

Dearest Trollperle, I am so sorry for your loss of your sweet Hexe... a few years ago we lost our beloved 21-year-old cat Pancake, on my birthday... I was so sad and couldn't believe that he would pass away on that day. Now a few years later, I have come to believe that he did it in order to make us never forget him! So now my birthday is a celebration of Pancake too... Hug Rose

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by retiredk9racer Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:40 am

I am so sorry!! Hexe looks like a real sweetie!

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by harmony Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:35 am

So,sorry for your loss.

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by Bugladydi Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:01 pm

So sorry for your loss of your beloved pet!

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by Trollperle Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:02 pm

Thank you all so very much - your kind words mean so much to me. Yes, Hexe was a dear and I will always remember her as this cute little Tibetan Temple Watchdog hogging my bed as if it were the most spiritual prayer´s box Love

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by splinty Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:57 pm

I love your description of her being a little prayer box snuggler Trollperle Very Happy She's been liberated to Nirvana now, I'm glad you have so many wonderful precious memories of her to comfort you. Hope you're doing ok Hug

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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by natasja Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:16 am

so sory for the loss of your sweetie


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Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels Empty Re: Astral Sisters and Stardust Africa - Catherine Michiels

Post by Beadgirl Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:45 pm

Your bracelets have lovely memories. I have just bought 2 CM silks. Smile
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